
Welcome to Echoes!

We are the UK’s foremost monthly magazine covering soul, jazz, reggae, R&B and hip-hop.
What’s more, we’ve been here since January 1976 – not even the COVID pandemic could stop us!

Our print platform remains our flagship enterprise – you can buy it in most good newsagents or right here on this site and have it delivered direct to your door – but we also publish a fine online, flippy version for those who need instant digital access.

Do join us for the most expert and opinionated coverage of black music old and new you can find anywhere.

Chris Wells [Editor]

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Latest news

  • Boxing Donny

    Never My Love is the title of a four-CD boxed set of Donny Hathaway material due to be released...

  • Joyce Unconfined

    Joyce Sims – the NYC vocalist who brought us eighties club hits like Come Into My Life and All...

  • A Little Muscle

    The movie-documentary Muscle Shoals will hit UK cinemas from October 25. Directed by Greg ‘Freddy’ Camalier, the film tells the story...

  • Bibb And Tucker

    Gospel-infused soul-folk-bluesman Eric Bibb will release his brand new album Jericho Road on October 14, through Dixiefrog Records. He’ll...

  • Dot Comes

    South London hip-hop upstart Amplify Dot is due to drop her debut album Paper Cuts on October 28. Still...
