Bobby Womack: All Over Now

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One of the greatest soulmen of all time, Bobby Womack, has died in Los Angeles at the age of 70. He passed away in his sleep on Friday, June 27, a peaceful ending to a remarkable and full-lived life.

Womack’s story is well known to all soul fans and readers of Echoes: his rise from rural Ohio as one of The Womack Brothers [who became The Valentinos]; his hook-up with Sam Cooke for whom he played guitar; his solo stardom in the 1970s, a time when he cut some of the finest soul music ever put to tape; his comeback in the eighties with the Poet albums; his recent revival through the good offices of rock star Damon Albarn.
We will, of course, be printing a full obituary in the next issue. Echoes Editor Chris Wells got to know Bobby well since their first meeting in the summer of 1982 and the man’s passing is a sad moment for everyone concerned with the magazine.

You can read one of several interviews that Bobby did with Chris here:


Pic: Fraser Adamson